Tuesday 22 February 2011

Baby Number 5!! - Joey Baker!

 It was Georges birthday, he grew up to be a potential heart-braker! He loved his hair and spent hours before school infront of the mirror trying to get it perfect!
 George and Ruby loved watching TV together, there was no couch as the repo man took it >:((
 Mollie loved spending time with her childern, as she knew when they became a youngadult she would have to leave them and let them fend for themselfs.

 That day while the kids were at school, Mollie and Harry took a trip down to the local park to go father hunting! She met this man. Bennie Dean. He was'nt  a elder. He had just got grey hair. He was infact a adult, but she felt like she should give him a chance. "I never became a father, my wife past away when we were young" So Mollie let him become a father.

 While Mollie was out, the kids came home from school and did their homework all by themselfs! Mollie had taought them to do the best for themselfs so they can do well later in life.
 Baby making ^_^
 *Yawnn* George getting up early to perfect his hair.

 Harry's birthday into a toddler!
 Hehe :')
 Harry turned out to be the most difficult to keep quite or ask to behave. He always wanted attention from somone.
 When it came to be taught howto walk, he was fine. He was able to do it straight away!
 Talking took longer, but he managed it!
 Awww, Baby number 5 ^_^ 95 more to go!
 Jenny still found it hard to complete her homework, she still tried and wanted a good job when she left the household.
 Now Mollie had to pottytrain Harry. It was hard work. Belive me.
 He just wouldnt sit still! He'd cry if it didnt get his own way.
 Finaly he sat there and masterd the skill!

 Mollie decided to age him up to childhood to stop the stress and so she only has one baby to deal with when the newborn arrvies!
 Mothers eye colour and skin tone, the rest all father! Mollie thought that somehow he managed to get some of his half-sisters genes, Jenny, into him! They have the same faceshape and body size!

 *Hmmm, if only i could finish this essay*
 The two boys became best friends fast. They were more like twins than half-brothers. Here they are playing Tag around the house!
 Baby time! :D
Here he is, Joey Baker!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, Harry does look a lot like his sister! Nice update :)
